On Monday, a “disruption event” was carried out by a coalition of Vermont activists at the “Innovation Center” in Burlington, Vermont. The focus of this action was Marvell Technology, whose products are used in the frontline of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. The protester’s goal: to break the economic chain of silicon-gold that flows from Burlington, Vermont to Tel Aviv.
Author: Liam CZA Noble
Liam CZA Noble is a Burlington-based writer and researcher interested in world-systems, social ecology and democratic confederalism.

Political life in the city of Burlington leaves a lot to be desired. The forces of big money are laying siege to our homes, schools, hospitals, public spaces, and social expression. Like vampires, the insular cliques of entrepreneur groups intrude into our communities and suck out the social surplus. They monopolize every aspect of our lives and raise the rent. They attack us with their ideology to sanctify their exploitation.