On Monday, June 24th, the Burlington City Council unanimously voted to increase the Burlington Police Department’s budget by $2.47 million. They funded 10 additional armed
Tag: burlington
As JVP members committed to collective liberation, we see these false claims of antisemitism for what they are: insidious efforts to discredit the struggle of the Palestinian people for their national liberation and distractions from the genocide itself – a genocide which would not be possible without the direct financial and political support of the US government.
Around 100 labor union members, organizers, and activists gathered at Burlington’s Battery Park to celebrate May Day, also known as International Workers Day, marking the occasion by highlighting labor victories in the state among its union workers in the past year and committing to continue the labor struggle at home and abroad.
Welcome to the fourth of our four-part series on the tenure of Miro Weinberger.
On Monday, a “disruption event” was carried out by a coalition of Vermont activists at the “Innovation Center” in Burlington, Vermont. The focus of this action was Marvell Technology, whose products are used in the frontline of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. The protester’s goal: to break the economic chain of silicon-gold that flows from Burlington, Vermont to Tel Aviv.
Welcome to the third of our four-part series on the tenure of Miro Weinberger.
Welcome to the second of our four-part series on the tenure of Miro Weinberger.
Welcome to our four-part series on the tenure of Miro Weinberger. Part 1 covers his election and first term.
With Burlington being such a small metropolis, a higher emphasis is placed on community driven by the work environments that carry the city’s success on their backs. Increasingly, the often-difficult conditions of such work have been publicly acknowledged as in urgent need of reform. An investigation into the reality of the life of a typical Burlington employee of such establishments reveals that inappropriate management and a focus on profit over all other considerations, in combination with poor pay and a disregard for the rights of employees, are to blame.
Burlington’s Mayor Miro Weinberger and his pro-war faction on the City Council have trashed democracy to support Israel’s apartheid state and its genocidal war on Palestine.
In a 7-5 vote, Democratic city councilors united to block the measure, preventing Burlingtonians from registering their opinion on the issue.
Rather than take a stand for peace and justice, Burlington’s Mayor Weinberger and his pro-war allies on the City Council blocked a resolution calling for a ceasefire. That put them at odds with the country’s majority who want an immediate end to the war.
While they pine for your shopping dollars during peak consumer spending season, it’s clear these business owners still can’t help themselves and wish to continue playing the victim, never acknowledging the role they’ve played in creating a narrative of an unsafe downtown Burlington, one that trades in crime wave fearmongering and a disdain for vulnerable populations in the city.
Political life in the city of Burlington leaves a lot to be desired. The forces of big money are laying siege to our homes, schools, hospitals, public spaces, and social expression. Like vampires, the insular cliques of entrepreneur groups intrude into our communities and suck out the social surplus. They monopolize every aspect of our lives and raise the rent. They attack us with their ideology to sanctify their exploitation.
Burlington’s Democratic Party leadership united against a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during Monday night’s City Council meeting, two weeks after three Palestinian students were shot in Burlington. The resolution did not pass, tying on a 6-6 vote.