Event Calendar

Vermont Left Events: October 2023

Below is a selection of upcoming events in Vermont relevant to the left.

Have an upcoming event? Let us know.

DateLocationEvent Description
Oct. 3
5:30 PM
Hannaford Supermarket
935 Shelburne Rd.
South Burlington
Picket of Hannaford Supermarket
Migrant Justice / Justicia Migrante
“Farmworkers and allies will hold weekly pickets of Hannaford Supermarket on Shelburne Ave in South Burlington throughout the month of September. We will wrap up the actions on October 3rd, the anniversary of the Milk with Dignity Program. Join us to denounce abuses on the farms behind Hannaford-brand milk and demand that the company join Milk with Dignity – or organize a picket at the Hannaford nearest you!”
Thursday Oct. 5
6:00 PM
The Soda Plant Democracy Creative
266 Pine Street
Weelaunee Block Cop City Speaking Tour
Peace & Justice Center
“Activists are visiting over 70 cities (INCLUDING BURLINGTON!) around the continent in an expansive speaking tour, with the goal of preparing hundreds of affinity groups for the action. The tour will provide updates from ground zero, share strategic intelligence on the pivot towards mass action and invite folks to travel to Atlanta in November to #BlockCopCity.”
Oct. 8
1:00 PM
The yard by 404 Pearl St
UVM Union of Students
“Join us on the athletic green for an opportunity to engage with student groups, community organizers, artists, and enjoy free food and live music! This is a great way to get involved in the community and meet folks who are doing cool stuff. We hope to see you there!”
Oct. 9
12:00 PM
UVM Waterman Building Memorial Lounge
“What Was Ours” Film Screening & Panel Discussion
UVM First Nations’ Collective
What Was Ours: “An Eastern Shoshone Elder and two Northern Arapaho youth living on the Wind River Indian Reservation attempt to learn why thousands of ancestral artifacts are in the darkness of underground archives of museums and churches, boxed away and forgotten. It is being preserved, locked away, by ‘outsiders’ who themselves do not know what they have.”
Oct. 11
6:oo PM
Democracy Creative
266 Pine Street
Workers’ Circle
Champlain Valley DSA, Vermont AFL-CIO
“A discussion of workplace issues and organizing.”
Oct. 12
5:30 PM
City Hall Park
How to Film the Police 101
BTV Copwatch
“We will be holding a FREE cop watch training on 10/12/23 in Burlington’s City Hall Park, from 5:30-7:00pm. If you’re new to filming the police, never had a formal training, or would like a refresher, we’re going to be talking about how to effectively and legally film cops in public spaces.”
Oct. 14
10:00 AM
2 Duane Ct.
2023 Annual Convergence: Skill Up to Power Up!
350 Vermont
“Join 350VT to build the skills, knowledge, and connections we need to take action for climate justice this year! We’ll have a wide range of interactive and engaging workshops, trainings, and work sessions to strengthen some of the important climate projects Vermonters are working on this year. Join us to learn and have fun!”
Oct. 14
4:00 PM
City Hall Park
Emergency Demonstration: Free Palestine!
Party for Socialism & Liberation, Cooperation Vermont, FreeHer, and others
“Join us at City Hall Park in Burlington, VT this Saturday, October 14th at 4pm to support the people of Palestine in their fight against violent occupation of their homeland.
The unrelenting oppression, murder, torture, and occupation carried out by the Israeli apartheid regime have precipitated a counter-offensive by Palestinian resistance forces. The Israeli war machine and its attendant systems of oppression are bought and paid for by U.S. imperialism. U.S. tax dollars fund the grinding oppression of the Palestinian people to the tune of $4 billion each year.”
Oct. 17
6:00 PM
L&L Commons 216
University of Vermont
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
“History has shown us there’s never a “good” time to talk about the ongoing oppression of people. But, the truth is this discussion is already taking place. But the words being used are “human animals” and “savages”. We feel obligated, as people living through history, to intervene in this discourse to stand up for the people of Palestine who have been systemically oppressed by the apartheid state of Israel for 60 years. We hope our presentation on the 17th can lead to a generative discourse on how we can contribute to the liberation of all working people without violence.”
Oct. 17
7:00 PM
O.N.E. Community Center
Room 218
20 Allen St
Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Palestine
Burlington Tempest Collective, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine
“This panel, featuring Wafic Faour (Vermonters for Justice in Palestine), Debra Stoleroff (Vermonters for Justice in Palestine and Central Vermont Jews in Solidarity with Palestine), and Nolan Rampy (Tempest Collective), will discuss how to understand the current situation in Palestine, the 17-year siege of Gaza, and questions of resistance, colonialism, the role of Biden and US imperialism, and mass struggle.”
Oct. 18
5:00 PM
Church St. & Pearl St
Emergency Protest for Justice in Gaza
Vermonters for Justice in Palestine, Burlington Tempest Collective, others
Rally at the top of Church Street and march down to City Hall. Held in response to the Israeli air strike against the Al-Ahli National Baptist Hospital in Gaza.
Oct. 18
6:00 PM
Fletcher Free Library
Old North End Mutual Aid Network Gathering
Old North End Mutual Aid Network
“Do you want to meet and chat with some really great people? Are you curious about what a “mutual aid organization” is? Are you looking to put faces to the names? Do you want to get involved more with the ONEMA community, but you’re not sure where to start? We will have light food and drink, and you are welcome to bring a snack to share if you would like. Otherwise, bring a mask, yourself, and a friend. We hope to see you there!”
Oct. 19
7:00 PM
Waterman Green
University of Vermont
Candlelight Vigil for Gaza
University of Vermont Students for Justice in Palestine
“To honor the Palestinian people and the Palestinian struggle for liberation”
Oct. 19
7:00 PM
OnlineBurned: Are Trees the New Coal? Virtual Film Screening
Stop VT Biomass
“Virtual Showing of Burned: Are Trees the New Coal? followed by discussion about Burlington’s McNeil biomass power plant and commentary by Bill McKibben, internationally known author and Vermont-based climate activist.”
Oct. 21
5:00 PM
Friends Meeting House
73 N Prospect St
Vermont Climate Heroes
“Are You A Climate Hero? How Serious Is The Climate Crisis? And What Can We Do About It? What Can Non-Violent Direct Action Achieve? Free food! Free childcare!”
Oct. 25
6:oo PM
Democracy Creative
266 Pine Street
Workers’ Circle
Champlain Valley DSA, Vermont AFL-CIO
“A discussion of workplace issues and organizing.”
Oct. 26
4:30 PM
Church Street side of City Hall
Jews Say Ceasefire Now!
Jewish Voice for Peace
“Join Jewish Voice for Peace VT and allies to rally and call for our Congressional delegation to stop Palestinian genocide!”
Oct. 26
7:00 PM
Online (originally at UVM, but canceled)Palestine: “Women and Children” and the Politics of Appeal
Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series
“Mohammed el-Kurd is an award-winning poet, writer, journalist and organizer from Jerusalem, occupied Palestine. He is the Palestine correspondent for The Nation and a Civic Media Fellow at the University of Southern California.
He will talk about representation and misrepresentation of Palestinians in the U.S.”
Oct. 30
12:00 PM
Davis Green in front of Howe Library
University of Vermont
Rally for a Graduate Student Union
UVM Graduate Students United
“After years of organizing we are finally having our voices heard! MARK YOUR CALENDARS for a RALLY to show UVM we will not be silent as graduate student workers have to go on foods stamps, commute from hours away due to the housing crisis, go without pay for months, and so much more. The university runs because we do. Show up to show them you agree we deserve to have a fair, collectively bargained contract so they can’t continue to make empty promises.”

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